Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Natural Horsemanship – Make Friends With Your Horse

People have been working in partnership with their horses since civilisation began. Natural horsemanship was a way of life because man and horse worked together for the mutual good. Man offered protection to the horse by keeping away predators. Horses helped man to move around the countryside, carry heavy loads and work the land.

They were also valuable allies in battle. Most of the advanced dressage skills were developed for army manoeuvres.

Natural horsemanship is a way of forming a partnership with your horse that will benefit both of you.

I had never been happy with the formalised way of breaking and training horses. All that endless lunging just seemed boring, so I did it my way and called it gentling. Then I read a book by Pat Parelli and discovered a way of training horses that was just what I always thought it should be like.

If you have anything to do with horses and haven’t yet heard of Pat Parelli you are in for a treat.

Pat Parelli is the great exponent of natural horsemanship as the best way to train horses. He devised a method of schooling the rider and the horse as partners in a joint venture of horsemanship that doesn’t need expensive equipment or round pens or even enclosed arenas. It is not just for training young horses, even mature horses can benefit.

The essential part of natural horsemanship is the development of good communication between you and your horse. You aim to be partners aiming for the same goal. As your friend your horse will always do its best to please you. When you are happy, your horse is happy.

When you’ve studied the system you wonder why it isn’t more widely practised.

If you haven’t read any of Pat Parelli’s books on natural horsemanship why not start now?


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