Saturday, September 29, 2007

My much loved horse and friend, Kerrydancer

For 35 years my horse, Kerrydancer, Kerry for short, called to me every morning. I bought her when she was 9 months old so we were old friends.

Then at 6.50am on August 1st 2007 she didn't call when the other horses came down to be fed.

She was lying asleep in one of her favourite places but she didn't want to get up and I could see that, although she wasn't in pain or injured, she was ready to go on.

I had known for some weeks that the time wasn't far off. She had begun to lose condition and was often a bit stiff, but it was a time I dreaded.

By the time the vet arrived less than an hour after I found her Kerry was on her feet but she wasn't herself.

She went to sleep peacefully while I held her head and talked to her.

She had a good life and a peaceful death on one of the few fine days we had this summer.

Sometimes I imagine I can see my beautiful Fell/Arab palomino in her prime wandering in the woods.

Happy memories of a happy horse are things that will never die.

Any comments to Subject 'Kerry'



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